What is NAD Therapy?

9 min readOct 4, 2023


couple getting NAD+ therapy treatment together

The realm of alternative therapies and treatments has exploded in the last few years, with a plethora of new and intriguing options becoming available.

Among the more recent and buzzworthy is NAD therapy.

While it might sound futuristic, the foundation of this treatment lies in a molecule that has been studied for over a century.

The Basics of NAD+

NAD+ therapy IV Bag with a botle of NAD+

NAD stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide. It’s a coenzyme found in every cell in our body and plays a vital role in energy production and the overall health of cells.

In essence, without NAD, life as we know it would be impossible.

NAD has two primary forms: NAD+ and NADH. These molecules are essential for oxidation-reduction reactions within the cells, helping to turn nutrients into energy.

Moreover, NAD+ is also a helper molecule for proteins that regulate other biological activities.

Why is NAD Important?

Importance of NAD+

The significance of NAD in our body cannot be understated. Here are some of its essential roles:

Cellular Energy Production

NAD helps convert the food we eat into energy. It’s a crucial player in the metabolic processes that break down carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids in our cells to produce energy.

DNA Repair

Certain proteins require NAD+ to fix broken strands of DNA. Without an adequate supply of NAD+, our cells might not repair themselves effectively, leading to potential health issues.

Cellular Communication

NAD+ plays a role in sending signals between the cell’s nucleus and its mitochondria (energy-producing centers). Proper cellular communication is crucial for maintaining overall cellular health.

Aging Process

Research has indicated that levels of NAD+ decrease as we age. This decline might be linked to various aging-related conditions, making the study and potential replenishment of NAD+ a promising area for anti-aging research.

How Does NAD Therapy Work?

girl getting NAD+ Treatment with an IV Bag

NAD therapy is a treatment that delivers a high dose of NAD+ directly into the bloodstream, typically through an IV drip.

By directly boosting NAD+ levels, the therapy aims to harness the benefits of this coenzyme for therapeutic purposes.

Potential Benefits

NAD+ Therapy Benefits

Given the essential role of NAD+ in numerous cellular processes, increasing its levels might offer various health benefits. Here are some potential benefits of NAD therapy:

  1. Energy Boost: By aiding in cellular energy production, NAD therapy could potentially increase vitality and reduce fatigue.
  2. Brain Health: Anecdotal evidence suggests NAD therapy might help enhance cognitive function and protect against neurodegenerative diseases.
  3. Detoxification: NAD could assist in detoxifying the body, particularly in individuals recovering from substance abuse.
  4. Anti-Aging: Replenishing NAD+ levels might combat the effects of aging on a cellular level, possibly leading to rejuvenation and increased longevity.

Safety and Side Effects

Like any treatment, NAD therapy may come with potential side effects. Some individuals report feeling flushed or experiencing chest tightness during the infusion.

It’s crucial for individuals to consult with a healthcare provider before undergoing NAD therapy to understand potential risks and benefits.

Current Research and Developments

Given the buzz around NAD therapy, researchers have been diving deeper into understanding its potential applications and limitations.

Researchers are investigating compounds, like nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), which might increase NAD+ levels in the body.

Preliminary research suggests NAD+ might help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

While the potential of NAD therapy seems promising, more extensive and rigorous studies are needed to understand its efficacy fully and safety profile.

NAD IV Therapy Cost

NAD+ Therapy Costs

The cost of NAD IV therapy can vary widely based on several factors:

  1. Location: Costs can differ significantly based on the country, state, or even the city you’re in.
  2. Facility: High-end clinics or wellness centers may charge more for the ambiance, additional services, or expertise.
  3. Duration and Dosage: Some clinics offer different treatment lengths and dosages, which can influence the cost.
  4. Complementary Treatments: Some places bundle NAD IV therapy with other treatments or services.
  5. Brand Recognition: Clinics that have gained a reputation or have celebrity endorsements might charge more.

In the United States, as a general ballpark figure, a single session of NAD IV therapy might range from $600 to $1500 or more, depending on the factors listed above.

Some clinics offer package deals that might reduce the cost per session if you commit to multiple treatments.

However, prices can change over time due to market demand, increased availability of the treatment, or evolving research on its efficacy.

It’s always a good idea to contact local clinics or providers directly for the most up-to-date pricing and to inquire about any promotions or packages they might offer.

How Often Is NAD IV Therapy Needed

NAD+ therapy frequency

NAD IV therapy frequency varies based on the individual’s needs and the intended purpose of the treatment. Here’s a general breakdown of how often NAD IV therapy is administered for various purposes:

Addiction and Recovery

NAD IV therapy is sometimes used as part of addiction treatment programs, especially for detoxification. In these cases, patients might receive the treatment daily for a span of 10 days to 2 weeks. This intense regimen is believed to help curb withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

Anti-Aging and Wellness

For individuals seeking the potential anti-aging benefits of NAD IV therapy or general wellness boosts, treatments might be spaced out more. One session every 4–6 weeks could be a starting point, with adjustments based on individual responses and preferences.

Chronic Conditions

For chronic health issues or conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, the treatment frequency might start more intensely, such as once a week for several weeks, followed by maintenance sessions once a month or less frequently.

Cognitive Enhancement

Those using NAD IV therapy for potential cognitive benefits or neuroprotection might choose a monthly or bimonthly regimen.

While NAD IV therapy is gaining traction, and many individuals report positive outcomes, robust scientific research on optimal dosages and frequencies is still developing.

Is NAD IV Therapy Safe?

a bag of NAD saline solution

NAD IV therapy involves the intravenous administration of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) directly into the bloodstream.

The therapy has been promoted for various potential benefits, including addiction recovery, cognitive enhancement, energy boosting, and anti-aging effects.

But when considering any medical treatment or therapy, safety should be a primary concern.

Reported Side Effects

Some people undergoing NAD IV therapy have reported mild side effects, which might include:

  • Flushing (warmth and redness of the skin)
  • Chest tightness
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Anxiety or jittery feelings

It’s important to note that the intensity and occurrence of these side effects can vary among individuals.

Professional Administration

The therapy should be administered by trained medical professionals in a controlled environment. This ensures that the correct dosage is given and allows for monitoring for any adverse reactions.

If done incorrectly or without proper oversight, there could be potential risks, as with any intravenous treatment.

Individual Variability

Like all treatments, individual responses to NAD IV therapy can vary. Factors like a person’s overall health, pre-existing conditions, and potential interactions with other treatments or medications can influence the therapy’s safety and efficacy.

Scientific Understanding

The body naturally produces NAD+, and it’s a vital molecule for various cellular processes.

However, the long-term effects of high-dose NAD IV therapy are not fully understood.

While there are many anecdotal reports of benefits, rigorous scientific studies on the safety and efficacy of NAD IV therapy, particularly in the long term, are still emerging.

Regulatory Oversight

Regulatory bodies, such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), may not have thoroughly reviewed or approved NAD IV therapy for specific uses.

Treatments that lack robust regulatory oversight can vary in quality and safety.

If You’re Considering NAD IV Therapy

NAD therapy benefits

Consult a Healthcare Provider

Always discuss with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment. They can provide insights tailored to your health situation.

Research the Clinic

Ensure that the clinic or facility offering the therapy has qualified medical professionals and a good track record of safety.

Stay Informed

As research evolves, new information about the safety and efficacy of NAD IV therapy could emerge. Stay updated with scientific literature and trusted medical sources.

Always prioritize safety and be aware of potential risks and benefits.

NAD IV Therapy Benefits

NAD+ IV Therapy Benefits

NAD+ is a crucial coenzyme found in every cell in the body, and it plays an essential role in numerous cellular processes.

As such, the potential benefits of NAD IV therapy span various areas. Here are some of the touted benefits of NAD IV therapy:

Energy Boost

NAD+ plays a fundamental role in the metabolic processes responsible for converting food into energy.

By replenishing NAD+ levels, there may be an increase in cellular energy production, leading to enhanced vitality and reduced fatigue.

Brain Health

NAD+ has neuroprotective effects, meaning it can help shield neurons from damage.

Anecdotal evidence and preliminary studies suggest that NAD IV therapy can help improve cognitive function, mental clarity, and may potentially protect against neurodegenerative diseases.

Detoxification and Addiction Recovery

NAD IV therapy is sometimes used in the context of detoxification, especially for individuals recovering from drug or alcohol addiction.

There are claims that NAD IV therapy can reduce withdrawal symptoms, cravings, and can accelerate the detox process. However, this application requires further robust research.

Anti-Aging and DNA Repair

NAD+ is integral to the function of sirtuins, a group of proteins that play roles in DNA repair, cell survival, and inflammation.

As we age, our NAD+ levels naturally decline. Some believe that by replenishing NAD+ levels through IV therapy, it may have anti-aging effects, enhancing cell repair and potentially promoting longevity.

Improved Mood and Mental Wellness

Some individuals have reported improvements in symptoms of anxiety and depression after NAD IV therapy.

The biochemical foundation of this potential benefit might be linked to the role of NAD+ in brain function and neurotransmitter regulation.

Chronic Fatigue and Mitochondrial Function

Given its crucial role in energy production, there’s interest in NAD IV therapy as a potential treatment for conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome.

By supporting mitochondrial function (the energy-producing centers of cells), NAD IV therapy might offer benefits for those with energy-deficient conditions.

It’s important to approach the potential benefits of NAD IV therapy with a few considerations in mind:

Research is Ongoing

While the potential benefits of NAD IV therapy are promising and supported by anecdotal evidence, there’s a need for more rigorous, large-scale human trials to firmly establish its efficacy and safety.

Individual Variation

Responses to NAD IV therapy can differ among individuals. What might be beneficial for one person might not be for another.

Professional Oversight

If considering NAD IV therapy, it’s essential to do so under the guidance of a healthcare professional to ensure the correct dosage and monitor for any potential side effects.

While NAD IV therapy offers a range of potential benefits, it’s crucial to approach the treatment with informed caution and always prioritize safety.

Final Thoughts

How NAD+ react with our cells

NAD therapy, backed by the intriguing science of NAD+, offers a potentially revolutionary approach to enhancing health and well-being.

However, as with any new therapy, it’s essential to approach it with informed skepticism.

Anyone considering NAD therapy should consult with a healthcare provider and stay updated with the latest research to make the most informed decision.

As science continues to unravel the intricacies of our cellular processes, therapies like NAD offer a glimpse into a future where we might have more control over our health and lifespan than ever before.




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